Chanthaburi of Thailand has a lot of attractions for visitors. Chanthaburi is famous in the world because of its tropical fruits, waterfalls, forests, and gems. The Chanthaburi River which flows through the city has the beginning of many ancient communities.


Especially in the catholic cathedral, we can see this French architecture. The most beautiful Catholic Church in Asia “Wat Mae Patisonthi Niramon” is also located here and the roof of it has been taken down during World War II to avoid it being an easy target.

In the past Chanthaburi of Thailand was famous for Gems, currently, local mining is not carried out here. But still, the place remains a trading center for gems from neighboring countries. On Friday, Saturday, & Sunday they do morning Gem markets and these markets are highly crowded with dealers and visitors.

In addition to this, the main attraction of this place is its natural beauty. It has limestone hills which you can climb up and enjoy. You can explore caves and walk through the forest and have some amazing feelings.


On your walkthrough, you will find a number of waterfalls here and sometime you will be able to get a fresh shower from one of these waterfalls. It will definitely make your body comfortable. If you have enough time, then there are lots of activities where you can involved in this place such as exploring mines and so and so.